VFUG Meeting: Tuesday, October 9 2007
Topic: Solving Common Problems with VFP's SQL - Tamar Granor

We are very fortunate that Tamar Granor has offered to speak to our group during her visit here to Vancouver. She is one of the best-known VFP developers and authors in the world. A co-author of the Hentzenwerke e-book "Taming Visual FoxPro's SQL - Real World Data Solutions for VFP", she will speak about "Solving Common Problems with VFP's SQL".

Please take advantage of this unique opportunity! This is an event you won't want to miss!

Tamar E. Granor, Ph.D., is the owner of Tomorrow's Solutions, LLC. She has developed and enhanced numerous Visual FoxPro applications for businesses and other organizations. She currently focuses on working with other developers through consulting and subcontracting. Tamar served as Editor of FoxPro Advisor magazine from 1994 to 2000. She is the magazine's Technical Editor and co-author of the popular Advisor Answers column.

Tamar is author or co-author of nine books including the award winning Hacker's Guide to Visual FoxPro and Microsoft Office Automation with Visual FoxPro. Her most recent books are Taming Visual FoxPro's SQL and What's New in Nine: Visual FoxPro's Latest Hits. Her books are available from Hentzenwerke Publishing (www.hentzenwerke.com).

Tamar is a Microsoft Certified Professional and a Microsoft Support Most Valuable Professional. Tamar speaks frequently about Visual FoxPro at conferences and user groups in North America and Europe, including every FoxPro DevCon since 1993.

You can reach her at tamar@thegranors.com or through www.tomorrowssolutionsllc.com

Time: 07:00pm ("doors open" 06:30pm)
At the guard house at the site entrance, mention that you are meeting Sam Robbins for the FoxPro/VFUG meeting.

Location: SkyTrain OMC
SkyTrain Operations & Maintenance Center
6800 14th Avenue
Burnaby, BC V3N 4S7

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